
Preparing the files

The digital original is composite – PDF, for making of which PDF/X-1a:2001 standard and Acrobat Distiller are used. According to the order either in CMYK or with CMYK+SPOT paints (PANTONE).

Some instructions and recommendations for designing

  1. The design should be located in the middle of the page and comply with the size provided in the order;
  2. The bleed should be added equally as 3-5 mm to each edge;
  3. The pdf sent to the printhouse should be recommendably without cutting and assembly signs (or these should be locatedoutside the bleed);
  4. The resolution of pictures used in design could be 300 dpi;
  5. The overprint on black (100% K) objects is not necessary, as this will be added automatically in RIP. The design should follow that if the large black objects or letters remain on the pictures either wholly or partly, the black without overprint 1C/1M/1Y/100K (otherwise the picture or colour will start gleaming from below) or rich black should be used;
  6. The Overprint Preview should be switched in the design programme to avoid the adding of overprint accidentally to the white and coloured objects;
  7. As the large 100%K area seems quite light (grey) in offset print, in this case it is recommendable to use rich black (50C/40M/100K) in the design;
  8. The design should follow that the material objects and text would be located at least at the distance of 3-5 mm from the edges;
  9. In case of brochures and books the file should also include also the empty pages;
  10. The covers of brochures and books should be also made as pages; in case of adhesive binding the back should be on separate sheet or file (the bleed in each edge, design in the middle of the page); the cover design can be also made as the scanning (if the picture for example runs across the back), but in this case the thickness of the back should be first surely specified;
  11. Die drawings, fixed varnish, foil etc. should be on separate sheets (in file).

On die drawing

Knife: red

Groove: green

Perfo: yellow

If the client’s file has SPOT colours, these can be transformed into CMYK, but in this case it should be considered that the result might not comply with the one that was in original design.

Drawings of roll direction



A Business Card With A Matte Laminate Sauce

A classical choice and a superb starter;
For added pleasure can be served with a special soft-touch laminate sauce or other extras

A Tasteful Flyer Selection

Serves quickly and fills a bigger party well

An Exquisitely Savory Poster

An eye-catching and eminent dish

Main Course

A Self-Adhesive Label Roll

Can be served as sheets; With or without a net

A Tasty Packaging

A filling meal guarantee! Finished with a good amount of die-cut or a cutter for a lighter meal

A Classically Cooked Brochure

A client-favourite! Fits every taste and fills you well


An Airy Pop-Up With Matte or Glossy Laminate Glazing

An interesting try for everyone who loves a good roll-up

A Spicy and Seductive Wobbler

An exciting choice for anyone out for a good dessert

Cinnamon Calendar

A grand dish for the winter holiday season; Served around the year

Flag Pennants

The chef recomments! For anyone who likes a more exotic taste

Ask the chef for special dishes